Get involved on campus, join a club or student organization!

学生俱乐部 & 组织

OHIO 东部 offers ten student organizations and clubs empowering students to explore a wide variety of involvement opportunities on and off campus. These organizations and clubs promote involvement in advocacy, 治理, 文化, 宗教, 服务, 体育, 和更多的.

组织 and clubs are a great way to enhance your educational experience and offer a forum for critical reflection, 领导力发展, 社区参与. Students who are involved in a student organization and/or club have the opportunity to meet new people, 培养领导能力, 追求自己的激情, 获得有价值的知识, and contribute to the OHIO 东部 community and beyond.

俱乐部更新, meetings and events will be posted on this webpage, 在校园的数字显示器上, and in the latest edition of the 东校区 News.





顾问: Dr. 大卫Rohall

俱乐部主席: Mylie加德纳


The purpose of the 篮球俱乐部 is to promote teamwork, health and wellness. This club supports basketball practice and scrimmages for newbb电子平台东部分校 students.




顾问: Peter Lim 

A movement of students committed to knowing Christ and making Him known. The club provides time for Bible study, prayer, and support.





顾问:  Dr. 凯文的扣杀员

The 大学共和党人 gather to discuss politics as well as to organize the young republicans of newbb电子平台东部分校. This group promotes the values, policies and candidates of the Republican Party. In the past the group has assisted local and national candidates who are in the area canvassing by making phone calls, 挨家挨户敲门, 走在游行队伍中.




顾问: 金正日Ciroli  

The newbb电子平台东部分校 教育俱乐部's mission is to provide 服务s to benefit local children. Education majors or anyone wanting to help local children are welcomed to join the club. In the past the club has held book drives, book fairs, pop tab drives, and a literacy night. The 教育俱乐部 has held fundraisers in the past to support local children's charities. 






顾问: Dr. 凯文的扣杀员 and Steven Whitlinger教授

俱乐部主席: 内特·斯图尔特


Bobcat 电子竞技俱乐部 at OHIO 东部 supports the development of competitive eSports play.   The club offers a separate area for playing multiple different games with friends, 包括英雄联盟, 看守, 火箭联盟, Valorant, CSGO, Smash, and Nintendo Switch games like Mario Karts and Super Smash Brothers. We provide opportunities for all skill levels. 和你的朋友随意玩耍, create your own 东部 campus E体育 team, or join a team on the main campus in 雅典. 这取决于你!

如欲了解更多,请访问: hzjly.net/eastern/bobcat-esports-club




 顾问: Dr. 吉姆Casebolt and Dr. 帕梅拉6月

The 虹猫 is a dedicated and hardworking group of individuals who strive to support the LGBTQ+ community on and off campus.


This group aims to improve awareness for those who are among the LGBTQ+ community and intend to be an active organization of encouragement and openness. The 虹猫 will act as an open-arms club while understanding queerness and gender identity.

俱乐部更新, meetings and events will be posted on this webpage, 在校园的数字显示器上, and in the latest edition of the 东校区 News.

We invite you to come find support and be supported.  Join us to socialize and meet other students who care about the LGBTQ community.

即将到来的事件: FREE OHIO 东部 student trip to attend the 第十二届世界音乐舞蹈音乐会

Join us for an unforgettable trip to 雅典. Don't miss out on this enriching cultural experience! Grab your friends, mark your calendars, and get ready to embark on a musical journey like no other. 

When: 2024年4月5日,星期五

地点: newbb电子平台, Templeton-Blackburne Memorial Auditorium 

有关行程详情,请浏览: http://calendar.hzjly.net/event/ohio-eastern-student-trip-12th-annual-world-music-and-dance-concert

Spaces are limited to 12 students, so don't wait, sign up now!

报名截止日期: 3月28日星期四


*Trip funded by First-Year Student Experience and 教师 Engagement Mini-Grant Program (Provost's office)

如果你有问题,请发邮件 rainbowcats@hzjly.net.



 顾问: Dr. 大卫Rohall 

俱乐部主席: 尼克·诺兰

A student youth organization affiliated with Rotary International.


The purpose of 扶轮青年服务团 is to provide an opportunity for students to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and 服务.




顾问Dr. 沃伦Galbreath and Tracy Pritchard教授

The 社会工作社 seeks to serve, educate, and promote activism in the field of social welfare.  The club provides opportunities for students to interact within the community to broaden their knowledge of the issues related to social 服务s. The main aim of the organization is to impact the lives of those living in our community and the surrounding communities in a positive manner. Their mission is to recognize the needs within the communities around us and to do their best to help meet those needs.




顾问莎拉•戴维斯 and 凯拉卢卡雷利

Are you in the BSN program and want to be serve the local community? 

Consider joining the newbb电子平台东部分校 Student Nurses’ Association (OUESNA).


The newbb电子平台东部分校 学生护士协会 (OUESNA) is for nursing students attending newbb电子平台东部分校. The purpose of OUESNA is to expose members to fundamental and current professional interest and concerns to nursing students. Membership in OUESNA aids in the development of the whole person, including the professional role. Student's will have volunteer and community 服务 opportunities.