


We conduct cutting-edge computer science research in bioinformatics, 机器学习, 智能医疗, 计算机网络, 实时系统, artificial intelligence, 机器人, interactive computer graphics and visualization, and innovative electrical engineering research into controls, nano- and opto-electronics, 通信, 天线, 全球定位系统(GPS), and navigation related topics. Our primary 电 research units, 航空电子工程中心和科学计算与沉浸式技术中心, are actively involved in sponsored research with industry and government agencies.



    Avionics 工程 Center

    newbb电子平台的航空电子工程中心进行着世界上最重要的航空电子相关研究. 我们的工作有助于保持国家空域系统的安全,并进一步发展下一代航空运输系统.


    Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies

    From today’s medical imaging technologies to tomorrow’s supercomputers, 科学计算和沉浸式技术中心开展基础研究,以开发信息技术的新newbb电子和进步.

More about 电 研究


Algorithms and Complexity Theory

Algorithms provide a foundation for most, if not all, of computer science. 有效的算法解决方案决定了诸如网络搜索之类的实际newbb电子是否适合在国家或全球范围内进行扩展. These are the practical reasons why we examine algorithms 和 theory of complexity.

Russ学院目前的研究重点是参数化和基于实例的算法解决计算难题, algorithmic solutions to problems within the realm of bioinformatics, 还有算法研究,使用证明助手来构建计算机验证的算法以及计算机验证的性能保证.

Artificial Intelligence

人工代理, such as today's smartphone personal assistants or tomorrow's 自动驾驶汽车, 需要能够理解他们的环境,以便以一种明智的方式行事. Russ学院的教师在计算机视觉和自然语言处理等人工智能领域进行创新研究, 同时也对底层机器学习和模式识别技术做出了新的贡献.

这些创新的高影响是基于电教师所追求的人工智能研究与包括健康在内的越来越多的不同newbb电子领域之间的互利互动, computer architecture, software engineering, and autonomous vehicles.

这些创新的高影响是基于电教师所追求的人工智能研究与包括健康在内的越来越多的不同newbb电子领域之间的互利互动, computer architecture, software engineering, and autonomous vehicles.


Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics and Control

Autonomous vehicles and robots, such as unmanned aircraft, un-crewed船只, 自动驾驶汽车, and autonomous planetary rovers, 是否正在成为现实,并承诺在技术成熟和经济回报方面取得巨大的未来增长.

所有这些自主代理都有一个共同点:在不同的命令层次和不同的反应时间尺度上的反馈控制/决策循环. Each feedback loop entails: a command/goal generator, which could be either a human operator or computational intelligence that resides in a higher level of the decision-making hierarchy; a sensor set that assesses the situation 和 state of the agent; a decision maker or controller that proposes an action using computational algorithms based on the discrepancy between the commanded 和 sensed situation/state, as well as the capability and characteristics of the agent; and a vehicle actuator that will carry out the action.

The first three items are also known as Guidance, 导航, 和控制(GNC), 最后一项是一个反馈回路,以控制决策作为其指导命令. Russ学院的控制系统小组使用动力学理论研究和开发GNC算法, 混合动力系统, 机器认知, artificial intelligence, 神经网络, with applications in automatic and autonomous vehicles and robots.

Avionics and 导航

罗斯学院的教师在航空相关的电子和导航领域进行着世界上最重要的研究, in partnership with agencies such as the FAA and NASA, and with private industry. As part of newbb电子平台’s Avionics 工程 Center, their work offers not just technical data, 但是定制的, on-demand practical solutions for navigation and landing systems, 监测, 飞行控制, and other challenges worldwide.

Biomedical Informatics


In the SmartHealth Lab, researchers push 机器学习 boundaries to aid in the management of type 1 diabetes. 其他教师, focused on machine vision, 开发新的技术来跟踪痴呆症的进展和诊断糖尿病视网膜病变.

Vital实验室的研究人员开发了iPadnewbb电子程序来帮助患者控制偏头痛. 最后, 生物信息学研究人员寻求加强对生命本身的科学理解——他们开发新的软件工具来帮助生命科学家完成诸如发现疾病的生物标志物之类的任务.


Communication and Signal Processing

现代数字通信和信号处理系统涵盖了从手机到手机的各种newbb电子, 网飞公司, and Fitbits to satellites, 核磁共振成像, and autonomous vehicles.

Digital Signal Processing is the use of digital computer algorithms to sample, 过程, and interpret “signals,” which can include audio signals, video, 照片, 脑电波, 生物信号, 雷达图像, and countless other examples. These digitized signals are transferred and/or stored using 通信 technology, which consists of devices such as 天线, 发射器, 接收器, 还有光纤, as well as compression and encoding algorithms, and networking protocols which lie at the heart of the internet.

This vast range of current and potential applications, as well as their supporting technologies, are benefitting from both fundamental and applied research conducted at the Russ College. Active research projects include wearable 天线, sensor integration for autonomous vehicles, emergency communication networks for disaster response, improving the reliability and security of 无线 通信, 和 use of innovative image 过程ing algorithms to support medical diagnoses.


Computer Systems, 软件, and Security

Computer systems are ubiquitous, from our phones and laptops to our cars, 飞机, and even “Internet of Things” appliances such as smart thermostats. Russ College faculty investigating Computer Systems, 软件, 在电气工程和计算机科学方面进行前沿研究,这将使未来的系统更加可靠, 更安全的, 更容易使用.

Their research spans work in reconfigurable hardware and Network-on-Chips; software-defined, 无线, and delay-tolerant networks; software engineering; distributed systems; programming languages; and formal methods.

Nanoelectronics and Photonics

纳米级光电材料和器件对于高度集成的电子和光子系统的进一步小型化和能力扩展至关重要. From novel solar cell technologies and sub-10nm transistor architectures, to printed electronic systems, on-chip 通信, magneto-optical sensors based on quantum effects, and multi-core computational architectures, 罗斯学院的教职员工积极参与正在进行的纳米和微技术革命.

这项多方面活动的共同点是,通过更好地欣赏新材料,在极其紧凑的电子和光学系统中突破可能的界限, 制造工具, and design principles both experimentally and by modeling/simulation approaches. Aided by state-of-the-art equipment and computational tools, development of the nanoelectronic, 光子, 未来的光电系统得到了州和联邦机构以及跨学科合作的支持.


Our primary 电 research units, the Avionics 工程 CenterCenter for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies, are actively involved in sponsored research with industry and government agencies. Developing relationships with research partners like the National Science Foundation, AMD, the Federal Aviation Administration, 贝蒂Grumann, 和美国.S. 空军意味着我们有机会看到我们的发现如何影响人们的日常生活, 无论这意味着让我们的国家空域更安全,还是在金融和医疗领域开发虚拟学习环境. 了解更多信息. on our research partnerships or to become a sponsor, contact Chair Avinash Karanth.

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