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英语—Literature, 文化 & Writing Major B.A.

Hannah Koerner在newbb电子平台出版社实习.
Hannah Koerner在newbb电子平台出版社实习.
  • 小班讲授英美文学、世界文学、修辞学和理论
  • Internship opportunities
  • Excellent pre-law track
  • Preparation for M.A. 或Ph值.D. programs in 英语 Literature & 语言
  • 为从事企业传播工作做准备, grant-writing and non-profits, advertising, publishing, personnel management and more

教师 contact: Dr. Carey Snyder

Admissions Information

Degree Requirements

Major Code: BA5223

Program Overview

In the 英语 – Literature, 文化, & Writing major, 学生通过与传统进行批判性对话,培养21世纪的分析和写作技能, conventions, 以及英美文学文本的文化背景.

不同历史时期的文学小招生课程,将过去和现在联系起来,让学生练习协作学习, pursue complex ideas, 加深他们在语言和写作上的乐趣——无论是别人的还是他们自己的.

该专业也足够灵活,以满足学生的兴趣和目标:学生可以通过创意写作研讨会完成最多9个小时的专业要求, courses in rhetoric or visual texts, 或者学徒或实习经历. 和英语系的所有专业一样,英语文学、文化、 & 写作专业包括英语核心,为文学体裁和研究提供坚实的基础.

职业生涯 and 研究生 School

磨练了他们掌握复杂性的能力, communicate clearly, understand multiple contexts, and provide synthetic answers, graduates of the 英语 – Literature, 文化, & 有写作计划的学生可以从事各种各样的职业.

许多毕业生继续攻读研究生课程,包括M.A. 或Ph值.D. programs in 英语 Literature & 语言,信息科学或教育硕士课程,法律或商学院.

Others work in publishing, web content development, corporate communications, grant-writing and community organizing, advertising, or personnel management. As importantly, 俄亥俄州要求其英语学生接受全面的教育,这有助于确保他们为快速变化的就业市场的意外挑战做好准备.

浏览数十个实习机会和全职工作发布为newbb电子平台的学生和校友 握手, 俄亥俄州研究工作的关键资源, 雇主, 研讨会, and professional development events.

Admission Information

Freshman/First-Year Admission: 除大学入学要求外,注册英语专业没有其他要求.

Change of Program Policy: 对于目前就读于newbb电子平台的学生来说,转到英语专业需要2分.0的绩点. 选择转入英语文学专业的学生, 文化, 写作专业的学生应联系英语系本科教务主任寻求帮助. Students who wish to add an 英语 major in addition to another major program should seek assistance from the director of undergraduate studies; students with a second major outside the College of Arts and 科学 will be responsible for meeting the degree requirements of both the 英语 – Literature, 文化, 写作专业和文理学院.

External Transfer Admission: 适用于目前就读于newbb电子平台以外院校的学生, 转到英语专业除了大学入学要求外没有其他要求. 学生应联系英语系本科学习主任寻求帮助.

Degree Requirements




查看 艺术学院的大学水平要求 & 科学.

英语 Hours Requirement

a B.A. degree with a major in 英语, 学生必须完成总共42个学期的英语课程学分.

英语 Department Core Requirements

完成以下要求,GPA达到2分.0 or higher.

Intercultural Foundations

Complete the following course:

  • 英语1100 -跨文化与文本 Credit Hours: 3

Literary Reading

Complete the following courses:

  • 英语2010 -散文、小说和非小说导论学时:3.0
  • ENG 2020 -诗歌和戏剧导论学时:3.0

British or American Literature I


  • ENG 2510 - British Literature I Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 2530 - American Literature I Credit Hours: 3

British or American Literature II


  • ENG 2520 - British Literature II Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 2540 - American Literature II Credit Hours: 3

Intercultural Breadth


  • ENG 3240 - Jewish American Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3250 - Women’s Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3260 - Queer Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3270 - Queer Rhetorics and Writing Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3370 - Black Literature to 1930 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3380 - Ethnic American Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • 黑人文学从1930年到现在 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3450 - Intercultural Adaptations Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3550 - Global Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • 关于文化和社会的写作 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4660 - International Authors Credit Hours: 3

Writing and 研究

Complete the following course:

  • ENG 3070J -英语写作与研究学时:3.0

Senior Seminar


  • 英语4600 -英语研究主题学时:3.0
  • 英语4640 -英国作家学时:3.0
  • 英语4650 -美国作家学时:3.0
  • 英语4660 -国际作家学分:3.0

Concentration Requirements

完成以下要求,GPA达到2分.0 or higher. 


Complete one of the following courses. 用于满足其他专业要求的课程也不能用于满足这一要求.

  • ENG 3010 - Shakespeare Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3020 - Topics in Shakespeare Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3040 - 英语 Bible Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3110 - 英语 Literature to 1500 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3120 -英国文学:1500-1660 Credit Hours: 3
  • 英语3130 -英国文学:1660-1800 Credit Hours: 3
  • 英语3140 -英国文学:1800-1900 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3150 -英国文学:1900年至今 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3210 - American Literature to 1865 Credit Hours: 3
  • 美国文学:1865-1918 Credit Hours: 3
  • 美国文学:1918年至今 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3240 - Jewish American Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3250 - Women’s Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3260 - Queer Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3270 - Queer Rhetorics and Writing Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3350 - Irish Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3370 - Black Literature to 1930 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3380 - Ethnic American Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • 黑人文学从1930年到现在 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3450 - Intercultural Adaptations Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3550 - Global Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3560 - Young Adult Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3570 - Law and Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4640 - British Authors Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4650 - American Authors Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4660 - International Authors Credit Hours: 3

Experiential Writing


  • 英文3650 -文学编辑和出版导论 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3860 - Composing in New Media Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3870C -为社区作曲 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4910 - 英语 Internship Credit Hours: 1 - 9
  • ENG 4940 -研究学徒在英语研究 Credit Hours: 1 - 9
  • eng4990h -英语系荣誉 Credit Hours: 3

Literary Theory

Complete the following course:

  • ENG 3990 -文学理论和伦理实践 Credit Hours: 3


完成至少12个学分的英语课程, excluding ENG 2800, ENG 3 * * * J, 4510年英格, 4520年英格, 4911年英格, and ENG 4912. Six credit hours may be at the 2000-level or higher; six credit hours must be taken at the 3000-level or higher, excluding ENG 3 * * * J, 4510年英格, 4520年英格, 4911年英格, and ENG 4912.